Place of prayer and peace
Medjugorje is a marian shrine and a world-famous pilgrimage site often times compared to Lourdes and Fatima. Some 20 million pilgrims have visited Medjugorje in the first 20 years and each year more and more people come testifying that it is precisely here, in the heart of Herzegovina, that they have finally found peace and faith.
The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the six children for the first time on June 24, 1981. According to the unanimous testimony of the seers, Virgin Mary conveys through them to all believers messages of peace, love, faith, fasting, prayer and promises.
Each pilgrim visits the parochial Church of St. Jacob, located in the centre of fhe town, the Hill of Apparition in Bijakovići – the place where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared for the first time, the Hill of Cross where a huge cross was erected in 1993, as wel! as St. Francis’ Garden, Mother’s Village and Cenacolo Community.
Medjugorje is the largest tourist and pilgrimage site in Bosnia and Herzegovina and offers a variety of different elements making it also fhe richest centre in the region. Medjugorje is a standing witness that fhe differences in prayer may become a tremendous force which can change people and the world.
That makes it a very special, tolerant and harmonious place whose inhabitants are very welcoming and courteous. Medjugorje is an attractive location for both the ordinary tourists and the casual passers-by wanting to assure themselves of the new possibilities life can offer and as such is a unique place in this part of Europe.